How does the Village Office handle Complaints?

A neighbour (Villager) must file a complaint with the Village Office, by written email or written letter, that is signed, dated and addressed to the CAO or Bylaw Officer. The residence/ Home Owner will receive a phone call from the Bylaw Officer. A timeline is then created to have the appropriate actions taken, (cleaning up, mowing, removing items, etc.) within a reasonable time frame to the infraction. After the appointed time frame has passed, a follow up phone call is then conducted. If the infractions have been handled, no more actions are required!

However, if any more actions or extensions are needed, that adjustment is then noted and a new time frame can be approved by the Bylaw Officer. At the discretion of the Bylaw Officer a letter of warning can be sent out. If actions are not completed or refused and it is deemed necessary to the Bylaw Officer, a Bylaw ticket can be issued. If the infraction continues to go on, a second or third ticket can be issued as well with fine costs increasing.