Emergency Numbers
- Fire Alarm - 911
- Police/RCMP - 911
- Ambulance - 911
- Wainwright Hospital - 780-842-3324
- Poison Center - 1-800-332-1414
- Crime Stoppers - 1-800-222-8477
Who is Answering your 9-1-1 Call?
East Central 911 Call Answer Society (EC911) receives and dispatches 9-1-1 Calls for communities in the MD's of Wainwright (including Edgerton) and Provost, Counties of Vermilion River, Minburn, Two Hills, Paintearth and Special Area 4.
Local employees are working in the EC911 Centre, who know the area, are working around the clock ready to help. If you need Police we will direct your call to Police dispatchers. If you need Ambulance we will direct your call to Alberta Health Services and we will dispatch the First Responders in your community. If you need Fire Department we will dispatch them and provide support to them while they are assisting you.
Calls from land lines and wireless devices transmit your location and caller information within seconds of the emergency call being connected. This is not so with Internet Phone Service. Emergency calls from internet serviced phones will go to a national dispatch centre before being rerouted back to your local area. EC911 has observed this taking up to 3 or 4 minutes in many cases . . . precious time in an emergency. What happens when the power is out or your internet service is disrupted? You would have no ability to call and no 9-1-1 service!
Who is answering your 9-1-1 call? Please choose your telephone service provider carefully! For more information about your 911 service check out www.ec911.com