The Edgerton & District Historical Society is planning their second history book, “Winds of Change II”. Your participation is important to the success of this endeavour. Remember, this book will be read by your grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is your opportunity to tell them who you are and what you did!
We want to bring our history book from 1974 up to the present, but if there are any stories or pictures that were not included in the first book, please submit these also. This book is a continuation of the first edition. For those who have histories in the original book, please continue where you left off.
We want to bring our history book from 1974 up to the present, but if there are any stories or pictures that were not included in the first book, please submit these also. This book is a continuation of the first edition. For those who have histories in the original book, please continue where you left off.
WINDS OF CHANGE II – A History of Edgerton and District
The History Book will cover the businesses, agriculture, industries, churches, school activities, organizations, sporting events, and family histories up to the present.
To help you tell your story, we are including history story guidelines:
To help you tell your story, we are including history story guidelines:
- Full name and maiden name, where born and raised;
- Marriages, births, anniversaries;
- Where your home was and exact land location;
- Parents (names and occupation);
- Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts;
- Children, names, marriages, births;
- Grandparents, names and occupations;
- Interesting incidents, stories and events;
- Deaths (age, where and when);
- Immigration to Canada (from where, when);
- Names of your neighbours and/or hired help;
- Community interests, sports, hobbies, awards, and special achievements;
- Agriculture, ranching, business, or government involvement;
- Armed Forces service: past and present, when and where served;
- Natural phenomenon: floods, fires, storms, etc. Include impact on family;
- Special stories or memories: favourite memories or best stories about events;
- Education, religion, occupation or trades;
- Incidents or characters in your family, church, club, business or community;
- Retirement activities.
If you have information or photos of friends or neighbours you may have had in Edgerton or district who you know have no descendants to pass on their story, please include that as well.
Please indicate who has written the story. The length of the story may vary, but we reserve the right to edit, but not change the stories.
Pictures (2-4 per history) will add greatly to the History Book. All your valuable family photos, clippings, and documents will be treated with the utmost care and will be carefully identified and returned to you in their original condition after the book is printed. We ask that you supply original photos, as photocopies will not print well.
Please identify everyone (top to bottom, left to right) and date the photos. Please attach this information on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to include your full mailing address, phone number and any other pertinent information.
Please identify everyone (top to bottom, left to right) and date the photos. Please attach this information on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to include your full mailing address, phone number and any other pertinent information.
It takes a great deal of time-consuming work to assemble the History Book once we receive your stories, so please have all stories, material, and photos submitted by May 30, 2020.
The final cost can only by determined after we know the final number of pages in the book, and the number of books will order. Anticipated cost is $60.00
Please mail your stories, photos and book orders to:
Edgerton & District Historical Society
Box 174
Edgerton, AB
T0B 1K0
E-mail: admin@edgerton.ca
If you have any questions, need help writing your story, or you are interested in volunteering to make this a success, please contact: Louise Bergerud – 780-755-2189 or Mary Ann Sparks – 780-806-3179.
The final cost can only by determined after we know the final number of pages in the book, and the number of books will order. Anticipated cost is $60.00
Please mail your stories, photos and book orders to:
Edgerton & District Historical Society
Box 174
Edgerton, AB
T0B 1K0
E-mail: admin@edgerton.ca
If you have any questions, need help writing your story, or you are interested in volunteering to make this a success, please contact: Louise Bergerud – 780-755-2189 or Mary Ann Sparks – 780-806-3179.
Sponsor a page in the book for $5.00 per page and your family name or company name will be printed at the bottom of the page of your choice. Please inform us as to which page or pages you wish to sponsor.
YES! I would like to pre-order ___ copies of the “Winds of Change II” History Book. Pre-orders require a $30.00 deposit per book.
I enclose $___ cheque/money order in partial payment for my book(s) made payable to: Edgerton & District Historical Society. Shipping and handling extra, if book(s) are to be mailed.
Town_______________________________________ Prov. ________________ Postal Code____________________
Telephone___________________________________ E-mail address______________________________________________
I enclose $___ cheque/money order in partial payment for my book(s) made payable to: Edgerton & District Historical Society. Shipping and handling extra, if book(s) are to be mailed.
Town_______________________________________ Prov. ________________ Postal Code____________________
Telephone___________________________________ E-mail address______________________________________________