What does an Municipal Inspection involve?

Time Frame for a Municipal Inspection

A Municipal Inspection will take 6 to 18 months to be completed. Depending on what is found during the Inspection, it can take longer for action to be completed. A time line for completion of actions required would be given if anything were found.

Items looked for during an Municipal Inspection

The inspector sent by Municipal Affairs may review the Village of Edgerton's:

  • Council Meetings
  • Bylaws
  • Finances and Reports
  • Other Documents, including contracts

In addition, the inspector may interview anyone they feel is necessary, being Village Staff or Council.

Action and Requirements from a Municipal Inspection

After Municipal Inspection if no findings occur, no actions are required.

However, actions such as:

  • Bylaw changes
  • Policy changes
  • Councilor numbers being reduced

Are all items that have been reviewed and changed in other Municipal Inspections. In extreme circumstances, actions to have Councilor's and or CAO's removed must be done by Municipal Affairs in compliance with a Ministerial Order.