The Village of Edgerton owns and maintains the Cemetery located at NW 36-43-4 W4th in the Village of Edgerton, with it's current address being 43565-RR41. The Cemetery Committee and the Village staff are responsible for the overall management of the Cemetery including the following:
- Burial Plot Sales
- Interments for casket and cremation burials
- Monument Permit
- Grave location requests
- Deeds for Burial Plots
- Transfer of the ownership of a plot into another person’s name
- Refunds for vacant plots
- Maintaining all Cemetery records
- Cemetery Policies
- Cemetery Map
- Cemetery Directory
- Cemetery Fees and Charges
- Cemetery Monument Alteration Form
Membership of the Cemetery Committee is:
- Mary Abbott, Chair
- Nick Frank, Village CAO
- Deanna Jackson, Village Councilor
- Alisha Patterson, Village Office Administrator
- Village Foreman
- Dick Tipler
- Bill LaPierre
- Al Gordon
- Lois Dempsey
Donations for the Edgerton Cemetery are welcome and can be made at the Village Office. Our Cemetery has been gifted two Trust funds by Murray Murdoch. Mr. Murdoch gifted one Trust Fund to maintain the graves of his family members buried in our Cemetery. Mr. Murdoch also gifted a Trust Fund to look after other old graves with no family members available to maintain their gravesites.
Cemetery Clean Ups take place during the spring and summer months with the assistance of volunteers from the school and community. Please check the Community Events section of the website for dates and times.