Perspective Candidate Information

Steps to becoming a candidate

  1. Check eligibility - Review  
  2. Notice of intent to be nominated

  3. File nomination

1. Check you eligibility

Who can be a candidate

All candidates must be eligible to vote and:

Have been a resident of the local jurisdiction for the six months leading up to Nomination Day.

Not otherwise be ineligible or disqualified.

More information about candidate eligibility is outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act.  

Voter Eligibility

To be eligible to vote, an elector must be:(Section 47 of the Local Authorities Election Act)

18 years old;

A Canadian Citizen;

A resident in Alberta; and

The elector's place of residence must be located in the local jurisdiction on election day. (Section 48 of the Local Authorities Election Act)


For more information please visit

2. Notice of intent to be nominated

Notice Requirement

Individuals who intend to incur campaign expenses or receive campaign contributions in anticipation of being nominated as a candidate are required to file a notice with the Returning Officer.

Submit the notice in writing and include the following: 

  1. full name, address and contact information of the individual;

  2. address of the place or places where records of the individual are maintained;

  3. address of the place to which communications may be sent;

  4. names and addresses of the financial institutions where campaign contributions will be deposited; and

  5. names of the individuals with signing authority for each campaign account above.

The Returning Officer will confirm acceptance of all notices received.

Submit the Notice of Intent to be Nominated

FORM 29: Notice Of Intent

The notice of intent to be nominated can be submitted in one of the following ways:



Village of Edgerton

Attn: Returning Officer

Box 57,

Edgerton, AB 

T0B 1K0


Village of Edgerton Office 

5037 - 50th Avenue

3. File nomination

Nomination Requirements

The following items are required for your nomination to be complete:

FORM 4: Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance (Fillable PDF)

FORM 4: Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance (Printable)

Completed, along with a minimum of five elector signatures.  These electors must be residents of the local jurisdiction on the date they signed the form and must be eligible to vote in the election

​FORM 5: Candidate Financial Information (Fillable PDF)

FORM 5: Candidate Financial Information (Printable)​

The Returning Officer shall not accept the following for filing:

  • a nomination that is not completed in the prescribed form;

  • a nomination that is not signed by at least five electors required to sign the form;

  • a nomination that is not sworn or affirmed by the person nominated

File Nomination

Deadline: You must file your nomination on or before Nomination Day on Sept. 22, 2025 at noon.

Another person may file the nomination on your behalf. However, you are responsible for ensuring the nomination is accurate and complete.

File your nomination (with completed forms) by mail, courier, or in-person appointment:


Mail or Courier:

Village of Edgerton

Attn: Returning Officer

Box 57

Edgerton, AB

T0B 1K0

In-person appointment:

Village of Edgerton Office 

5037 - 50th Avenue, Edgerton  

Returning Officer - Nick Frank 


Additional link for forms 

Government of Alberta Municipal Election Forms 


Additional Important Information


If a candidate is elected by acclamation, the Returning Officer declares the person to be elected following the close of nominations on September 22, 2025.

Public Access to Nomination Documents

Members of the public may view nomination documents in-person and under supervision at the Village office. 

Mailing addresses of candidates and their official agent will be blacked out from documents before they are made available to the public.

Time Commitment for Councillors

​Do I need to quit my current job if elected as a councillor for the Village of Edgerton?

The term of office for a councillor is four years. While not deemed a full-time or even part-time position, Councillors are expected to attend monthly councillor meetings, board meetings, and possible special local events, all of which can take place either during the day or in the evenings.

Municipal Affairs have released a set of video to help prospective candidates understand the role and commitment. The YouTube videos can be seen HERE.

Withdrawal of Nomination

The last day to formally withdraw is noon on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2025.
After this date, your name will appear on the ballot. From there, you are responsible for informing voters of your withdrawal.

To withdraw your nomination, you must submit a written statement to the Returning Officer. Withdrawals will not be accepted if you have been declared elected by acclamation.

Withdrawal notices are final. If you withdraw, then change your mind, you must submit a new nomination.

A written withdrawal statement can be submitted in one of the following ways:



Village of Edgerton

Box 57

Edgerton, AB

T0B 1K0


5037 - 50 Avenue, Edgerton, AB 

Returning Officer Contact

Nick Frank, Returning Officer 

5037 - 50 Avenune

Edgerton, AB


Phone: (780) 755-3933 Extension 4