What are the expectations of Villagers at Council Meetings?

Speaker Participation

Villager who have applied to speak at a Regular Council Meeting, are given a 15 minute window being able to discuss what they have presented to Council, in their written application to the CAO. Any variations from the outlined subject matter will be disregarded if not related.

The Speaker will be asked to continue on their topic. If they cannot conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, they will be asked to step down. 

The 15 minute period if used as a "question and answer session", will be paused as Council answers any questions asked. Then the Speaker will have the floor turned back to them and the timer will resume.

If at anytime the Speaker chooses to disregard Proper Decorum they will be asked to correct their behavior, then asked to step down, or they will be directed to leave.

Villager Participation

Villagers are welcome to attend all public sessions of Council Meetings. Villagers who have decided to attend, are asked to remain polite, respectful of anyone speaking (The Mayor, Councilors, CAO or Delegate/Speaker) and follow proper Decorum.

If the Attendees would like to ask a question, they are asked to wait with their hand raised. If Council chooses to answer questions, they will call on the Attending Villagers.

However, Council does not need to answer or provide answers to questions politely asked or blurted out. Council reserves the right to cancel the meeting, remove the gallery, or adjourn the meeting until Decorum is returned. 

If at anytime a Villager or Attendee chooses to disregard Proper Decorum they will be asked to correct their behavior or they will be directed to leave.